Workshop in Slovakia (Event–Private), Nitra, SK
On Wednesday, upon arrival to Nitra the dinner was organized. Participants were staying at since SUA dormitories were under reconstruction and the closest hotel next to FEM faculty was chosen instead.
On Thursday, workshop was scheduled at the Faculty of Economics and Management SUA in Nitra in the meeting room of Institute of Economics and Management which is located on the second floor.
As a part of workshop, the online attendance of the event CSR Reporting as a part of CSR SUMMIT 2022 was scheduled. In the evening the short sightseeing of Nitra and dinner in the city was planned.
On Friday, the summarization and distribution of the tasks were discussed at Working breakfast at Riverside restaurant.
Materials :
Download file: Workshop in Nitra 26-28-10.2022 - Presentation 1 Introduction.pdf
Stiahnuť súbor: CSR in Slovakia - Urbanova .pdf
Stiahnuť súbor: Ambis university presentation.pdf
Stiahnuť súbor: CSR in CZ - Skypalova Cetlova.pdf
Download file: PULS Presentation.pdf
Workshop in Czech Republic (Event–Private), Brno, CZ
On Wednesday, upon arrival at Brno participants had dinner at the hotel restaurant. On Thursday, Workshop took place at Ambis University Renata (head of CZ team) has prepared an interesting program, In addition to solving questions related to ongoing research and its results, we had the opportunity to gain a broader view of the CSR situation in the V4 region through the online performance of guests from the Czech Republic and Hungary. On Friday, the summarization and distribution of tasks was discussed at Working breakfast at Bugatti 1 room of the Passage Hotel.
Download file: Workshop in Brno -Visegrad project info and outcomes.pdf
Download file: Workshop Brno- SR partial results1678707852.pdf
Download file: Presentation in Brno_09.03.2023_Partial results of the PL research_PDF.pdf
Stiahnuť súbor: CSR in CZ automotive industry .pdf
Workshop in Polland (Event–Public), Poznan, PL
Download file: Poznan - program of the workshop.pdf
Stiahnuť súbor: plagat poznan1692783829.png
Program of the Workshop in Poznan- PL
(September 25, 2023 - September 27, 2023)
Conference Globalizácia (Event–Public), October 11-12, 2023, Rajecké Teplice, SK
Globalization has long been one of the best-rated scientific conferences in the Central European region. As part of the dissemination of the project's outputs, representative of the project will take part in this scientific event and present a contribution focused on obtained results. Participation at this event will be active with the article titled: "Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Social Public Assistance in the Visegrad Region, with Focus on Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Poland"
Conference program:
Article Presentation: